Wednesday, 6 April 2011


"Why did I find this world so appealing? In part, it was because I knew I wasn't supposed to. People from my background - I come from the class that Keynes called 'the educated bourgeoise' - are expected to see through this tawdry, showbiz glamour. At Oxford, people thought this kind of 'Hollywood bullshit' was beyond the pale. Popular culture was strictly divided between the stuff it was okay to like - independent films, alternative rock, any form of cultural expression associated with minorities - and the mindless pap produced by the American entertainment industry. In order to pass muster, something had to be 'real'; it had to have 'an edge'. Mainstream popular culture was 'plastic' and 'safe'. If it was enjoyed at all it was strictly in a spirit of camp condescension. Baywatch, for instance, was regarded as 'hilarious' because it fell into the 'so-bad-it's-good' category."

Mainstream is my religion and Hollywood is my Mecca. 

Things I like: West Side Story and other musicals, E4, Radio 1 (especially Greg James), Hall & Oats, Colin Firth, Diet Coke, Tesco, the list goes on. I do draw the line at jeggings and heat magazine, but please don't roll your eyes at me for being emotionally involved with Take That. 

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