Tuesday, 26 April 2011

things am excited about

GARDENING! This morning me an me ma went to bents (scoff scoff) garden centre an I got some beautiful flowers for our shitty garden in Leeds. I mean it is really shitty but I'm going to clean it up on Saturday when I move back and it will be transformed into a luscious foliage party place. There is a brick wall covered in some shit pattern as well so Nightjar an amy will have to sort that out! 
 Blunt and big 
Being happy an getting over it (it being general life)

 Desperately seeking susan

 I get a many many plenty of freckles in this weather. It's the first year I haven't obsessively tried to cover them up with foundation! Could be because I'm getting old and they make me look youthful. Fuck ma life. 

Totally saucy

 "He looked at the girl. And what a girl!"
My dad has this Nicholson collection going on so I've been watching a lot of that when I should be revising. Like, a lot. He is very attractive. I really like him. Am very upset that am not married to him.

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