Wednesday, 4 May 2011


I failed an essay that counts, my dissertation proposal got rejected and I found out I didn't get accepted to the year abroad I'd applied for.


  1. whaaaaa? are you presumming you've not got the dissertation and spain, or have you heard back from them both since i saw you this savvy? :(

  2. the spain woman replied to my email. She was nice about it but whatever, I'm still sad! I'm just kind of assuming about the dissertation cos literally everyone else has had emails and all I've had are emails about next years module options. ugh!

  3. that really sucks!! im so sorry, that's just poo. did she give you a reason at all?

  4. oh its fine!! i'm over it now, just wasn't meant to be! and now at least i can graduate with gaby. she just said they had promised too many people interviews, which is a bit unfair really i think!
